Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Really worth reading
teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag
containing a few potatoes. Each potato will be given a name of a
person that the child hates, so the number of potatoes that a child
will put in his/her plastic bag will depend on the number of people
he/she hates.
So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the name
of the people he/she hated. Some had 2 potatoes; some 3 while
some up to 5 potatoes.
The teacher then told the children to carry with them the potatoes in
the plastic bag wherever they go (even to the toilet) for 1 week.
Days after days passed by, and the children started to complain due to
the unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those
having 5 potatoes also had to carry heavier bags.
After 1 week , the children were relieved because the game had finally
The teacher asked: "How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with
you for 1 week?" The children let out their frustrations and started
complaining of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry
the heavy and smelly potatoes wherever they go.
Then the teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the game.
The teacher said: "This is exactly the situation when you carry your
hatred for somebody inside your heart. The stench of hatred will
contaminate your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go.
If you cannot tolerate the smell of rotten potatoes for just 1 week,
can you imagine what is it like to have the stench of hatred in your
heart for your lifetime???"
Moral of the story:
Throw away any hatred for anyone from your heart so that you will not
carry sins for a life time. Forgiving others is the best attitude to
Life is to be fortified by many friendships..
To love & to be loved is the greatest happiness.
Fate determines who comes into our lives.The heart determines who stays.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Cincin Perkahwinan
Pihak lelaki yang ingin melamar dan merisik si gadis pilihan, mereka perlulah memastikan perkara-perkara berikut di bawa bersama. Antaranya ialah:
• Cincin belah rotan. (cincin tanda)
• Wang tanda (hantaran)
• Baju sepasang atau kain
• Buah-buahan
• Kuih-muih
• Menentukan siapakah yang akan menjadi wakil anda. (ibu bapa atau ibu bapa saudara)
• Wakil pihak lelaki tersebut perlulah bertanya kepada ibu bapa si perempuan sama ada anak gadisnya itu telah mempunyai teman atau tidak.
• Jika tidak, maka wakil pihak lelaki perlulah menyatakan hajat untuk melamar si gadis.
• Jika ibu bapa si gadis telah bersetuju, maka cincin tanda dan lain-lain barang iringan seperti wang tanda, kain, buah-buahan dan kuih-muih diberikan.
• Jika mereka menerima barang-barang yang diberikan, maka secara tidak langsung, si gadis telahpun bersetuju untuk melayari hidup bersama lelaki tersebut.
• Wakil pihak lelaki berbincang tentang wang hantaran.
• Menetapkan hari untuk melangsungkan majlis pertunangan.
• Cincin berlian
• Sirih junjung
• Lain-lain hantaran (separuh dari wang hantaran, sepasang baju, buah-buahan, kasut, kek, dan lain-lain) bergantung kepada apa yang telah anda rancangkan.
• Wakil pihak lelaki (ibu atau ibu saudara) yang akan menyarungkan cincin kepada si gadis.
• Minta bantuan dari ahli keluarga dan sanak saudara untuk menginaikan anda.
• Jika ingin mengenakan henna, pastikan anda telah menempah mereka yang pakar dalam hal sedemikian sebulan sebelum majlis malam berinai anda.
Berikut adalah senarai semak untuk majlis perkahwinan atau persandingan. Sebaik sahaja kedua-dua belah keluarga telah menetapkan hari persandingan, maka perkara-perkara di bawah boleh dijadikan landasan dalam memastikan kelancaran majlis perkahwinan anda.
Bakal pengantin lelaki dan perempuan perlulah berbincang terlebih dahulu tentang beberapa perkara seperti berikut:
Bagi pengantin lelaki dan perempuan:
• Berbincang hal-hal perkahwinan (adat perkahwinan) dengan ibu bapa dari kedua-dua belah pihak bakal pengantin.
• Menentukan perbelanjaan yang akan dikeluarkan oleh kedua-dua belah pihak pengantin untuk majlis perkahwinan tersebut.
• Menentukan konsep majlis perkahwinan (hantaran, pelamin, bilik tidur dan lain-lain hiasan) yang anda ingini.(Majlis di hotel atau taman.)
• Rujuk direktori perkhidmatan perkahwinan (jurusolek, koleksi pakaian pengantin, bunga, kad jemputan perkahwinan dan lain-lain) di majalah, internet, buku atau melalui rakan-rakan yang telah berkahwin bagi mendapatkan gambaran awal.
• Mengenalpasti baju pengantin serta tetapkan bilangan pakaian persalinan yang diingini. (bagi yang bertudung, pastikan anda memilih pakaian yang disediakan sekali dengan pakaiannya)
• Tempah jurusolek/juruandam untuk majlis perkahwinan anda
• Mencari rumah baru, sama ada sewa atau membelinya.
• Kenalpasti Jabatan Agama Islam, Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah atau badan-badan Islam (swasta) yang berdekatan dengan kawasan anda, untuk mendaftar kursus pra perkahwinan. (Sila klik di sini untuk senarai Jabatan Agama Islam seluruh Malaysia)
Bagi pengantin lelaki:
• Semak semula jumlah sebenar wang hantaran yang dikenakan, (jika berlaku perubahan pada wang hantaran yang telah ditetapkan pada hari pertunangan anda) dan lain-lain hantaran.
Bagi pengantin lelaki dan perempuan:
• Menghadiri kursus pra perkahwinan di tempat dan pada tarikh yang telah ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Agama Islam, Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah atau badan-badan Islam swasta. (Sila klik di sini untuk alamat Jabatan Agama Islam seluruh Malaysia)
• Menempah tok kadi untuk majlis pernikahan anda. (Sila klik di sini untuk Senarai Kadi Seluruh Malaysia)
• Menempah videografi atau jurufoto untuk merakamkan detik-detik indah majlis perkahwinan anda.
• Membeli cincin kahwin.
• Tentukan sama ada anda ingin memasak sendiri atau menggunakan khidmat katerer. Jika ingin menggunakan khidmat katerer bincangkankan menu hidangan untuk majlis anda, serta harga yang ditawarkan.
• Menyediakan senarai tetamu yang akan dijemput
• Menempah sekumpulan pemuzik dan DJ (jika perlu)
• Lakukan rawatan muka, badan dan rambut.
• Jika ingin berbulan madu (dalam negara atau luar negara), tentukan tempat dan budjet untuknya. Segerakan bayaran pendahuluan bagi mengelakkan tempat ditempah orang lain.
Bagi pengantin lelaki dan perempuan:
• Memilih dan mencetak kad jemputan kahwin.
• Mengesahkan tempahan di hotel atau taman termasuk jumlah meja dan kerusi, menu dan sebagainya.
• Melakukan pemeriksaan kesihatan di klinik atau hospital.
• Rawatan intensif muka, badan dan rambut.
Bagi pengantin lelaki:
• Memaklumkan kepada saudara-mara tentang hari berlangsungnya majlis pernikahan anda.
• Mengenalpasti beberapa orang (saudara mara atau jiran-jiran) yang akan menyertai rombongan pihak lelaki.
Bagi pengantin perempuan:
• Kenalpasti dua orang saksi untuk majlis pernikahan anda.
• Bagi wanita yang kematian bapa, sila pastikan siapa wali nikah anda. (sila klik di sini untuk Panduan Perkahwinan – 8. Wali Nikah) Jika anda tidak mempunyai wali nikah, sila dapatkan wali hakim, dari mana-mana Jabatan Agama Islam untuk menikahkan anda. (Sila klik di sini untuk alamat Jabatan Agama Islam Seluruh Malaysia)
DUA BULAN SEBELUM perkahwinan:
Bagi pengantin lelaki dan perempuan:
• Membeli barang kemas
• Tentukan pengapit anda, jika perlu carikan baju yang bersesuaian untuk pengapit anda.
• Menghantar kad jemputan kepada para tetamu yang ingin dijemput.
• Merujuk kepada Jabatan Agama Islam dan Pejabat Islam Daerah untuk proses mendaftar pernikahan anda. (Sila klik di sini untuk senarai Pendaftar Nikah dan Penolong Pendaftar Nikah seluruh Malaysia)
Bagi pengantin lelaki dan perempuan:
• Pastikan pakaian pengantin anda telah siap dan ambil pakaian tersebut jika anda telah berpuashati.
• Pastikan ada seseorang yang akan menjaga barang-barang anda semasa majlis perkahwinan berlangsung.
Bagi pengantin perempuan:
• Pilih gaya rambut yang anda ingini semasa majlis perkahwinan anda (bagi yang bertudung, pastikan gaya tudung yang akan dikenakan pada majlis perkahwinan anda nanti).
Bagi pengantin lelaki dan perempuan:
• Menghias pelamin, bilik tidur pengantin, membuat sirih junjung dan lain-lain hantaran.
• Sediakan seterika, papan seterika, cermin, jarum dan benang, bagi memudahkan anda jika berlaku kecemasan.
• Jika perlu ingatkan tetamu anda tentang majlis perkahwinan anda melalui telefon.
• Hubungi jurufoto, juruvideo dan lain-lain (kompang, silat dan sebagainya) anda dan minta mereka datang awal pada majlis tersebut.
• Sediakan (packing) barang-barang yang perlu dibawa ke majlis tersebut. Elakkan melakukannya di saat-saat akhir kerana dikhuatiri ada barang yang tertinggal.
• Mandi air panas bersama aromaterapi untuk kesegaran badan.
• Tidur awal dan bersedia untuk menghadapi hari bahagia anda.
Bagi pengantin lelaki:
• Tentukan siapa yang akan menjadi jurucakap bagi rombongan pihak lelaki dan tuan ruamh pada majlis pernikahan.
Bagi pengantin perempuan:
• Hubungi hair dresser anda dan minta mereka datang awal pada majlis tersebut.
• Kenalpasti siapakah yang akan ditugaskan untuk menyambut tetamu pada hari perkahwinan anda. (begitu juga bagi majlis di pihak lelaki)
Bagi pengantin lelaki dan perempuan:
• Pastikan anda membawa kad pengenalan, gambar, dan apa-apa dokuman yang diperlukan semasa majlis ijab dan kabul.
Bagi pengantin lelaki
• Pastikan anda telah menyediakan wang mas kahwin pada hari pernikahan anda.
• Pastikan wang hantaran (terutamanya wang tunai) diamanahkan kepada orang yang boleh dipercayai.
• Pastikan anda telah menyediakan wang (upah) untuk diberikan kepada tok kadi.
• Cincin / gelang tangan / rantai.
• Sirih junjung dan lain-lain hantaran.
• Pihak lelaki dan pengiring mestilah datang lebih awal sekurang-kurangnya setengah jam daripada waktu yang telah ditetapkan.
• Pastikan mereka yang menjadi saksi dan wali turut ada pada majlis pernikahan tersebut.
• Pastikan tok kadi yang akan menikahkan anda, telah diberitahu lebih awal tentang hari pernikahan anda. (Sila klik di sini untuk senarai Kadi seluruh Malaysia)
• Pada malam majlis pernikahan, majlis persalinan baju (jika perlu) diadakan. Pakaian yang biasa dipakai ialah baju yang menjadi kebanggan sesebuah negeri seperti baju Sari, Cheongsam, Minangkabau, Jawa, Mendaling dan lain-lain.
Bagi pengantin lelaki dan perempuan:
• Ambil sarapan seawal tujuh pagi, bagi mengelakkan anda lapar, mengantuk dan tidak bermaya.
• Jangan takut untuk menghadapi hari bahagia anda. Bertenang dan sentiasa senyum.
• Pastikan majlis anda berjalan lancar seperti yang telah dirancangkan.
Bagi pengantin lelaki:
• Pastikan anda datang tepat pada masanya atau sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh minit awal dari waktu yang telah ditetapkan
• Pastikan kesemua hantaran telah dibawa termasuk sirih junjung
Bagi pengantin perempuan:
• Pastikan anda telah bersiap satu setengah jam lebih awal sebelum pengantin lelaki sampai ke rumah anda.
TIGA HARI SELEPAS perkahwinan:
• Melawat keluarga dan sanak saudara kedua-dua pihak.
Sumber: http://sharilrouth.blogspot.com/ - notty by nature life
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Some facts relating to your wedding ring

By: fisher
Here we will give you some knowledge about wedding ring. There are some aspects that you need to consider before your buy. They are your budget, metal of your ring, color of the stone, cutting of diamond etc. After analyzing all these you will get some gyaan about purchasing a wedding ring.
At first we will be discussing on the topic of color of your wedding ring. Color is very much important factor while choosing a ring. It determines the outer look and beauty of the ring. Color is actually the color of the diamond on what we are now focusing. For ages it was thought that colorless or white diamonds are purest and of high clarity. It is quiet right that any kind of impurity is considered to be the probable reason of the color, which is the color of the diamond. This flaw is now very much demanding. Years before everyone wanted a diamond pure and stainless but now the picture has been changed. Young generation and fashion houses are stressing on color factors. The color, which can compliment your wedding dress and wedding theme, is considered to be the perfect choice. Actually the impurities mixed in the carbon structure are the reasons of the colors of a diamond. Blue, pink and yellow are some common colors, which can be found in diamonds of rings. Here we will give some names of colored diamonds. They are pure hope diamond of 200-carat diamond, D stone, E diamonds, F diamonds, G diamonds, H diamonds, I and J diamonds, K and M diamonds. Among these diamonds G-H, I-J, and K-M diamonds are colored. K M diamonds are colored and the color is detectable.
This is generally made up of precious yellow alloy of gold, hardened with copper and Silver or tin and bismuth. Copper, silver, tin or bismuth is used to make the gold more durable and hard. Now a day a trend is that wedding ring cannot be made with out platinum or titanium. These are more durable and fashionable too. Platinum with white alloys of gold are demanding by the wedding couples. A slightly yellow white gold alloy, which was used with gold, is now replaced with cheaper nickel-gold alloy with a plating of rhodium. This can be cheap than before but it is it is not at all durable and good. As we have said earlier that titanium has become a hot element for making a wedding ring and every couple wants that. The reasons are its durability, affordability, and gunmetal grey color. Tungsten carbide is also another metal, which is gradually picking its name in this list of wedding ring materials. With gold or platinum inlays tungsten carbide is used. It is equally durable like platinum and titanium and can be molded to a finer finish than the metals mentioned before.
Another factor is very important and that is cut of the diamond stone. There are various measurements. As for instance facet numbers and angles determine the cut of a precious stone but all these things are not very much important for a diamond ring buyer or for a wedding buyer. They just have to choose what shape they like. It can be round cut oval shaped, square cut like princess cut gems, marquise cut or an emerald cut.
Article Source:- Directory Submission & Sexy Deepika Padukone
The wedding band, engagement ring and wedding ring set you can get here with attractive price.
Basic Engagement Ring Design Tips For Long Lasting Wear

By: Andrew Moquin
There are enormous styles of engagement rings to select from. Ultimately, your selection will be determined to a large degree by personal choice and your budget. Regardless of this, there are still a few basic principles that apply to any engagement ring design to ensure a lifetime of happy wear. These are:
Pleasing to your eye. Once you start looking at engagement rings it will become apparent which styles you are drawn to. Perhaps you prefer a more vintage look, or totally contemporary. Some girls find that they just naturally favor a particular setting or stone shape. Once you have decided this basic you will need to check for the following points.
Secure the stones firmly. It is vital that an engagement ring secures those diamonds or stones firmly. No-one wants to lose a stone. Prong sizes should be in relative proportion to the size of the stones. Generally 6 prongs will be more secure than 4, but a good jeweller can ensure that 4 prongs are just as firm. Bezel and channel settings will be more secure long term than a prong setting.
Survive everyday wear and tear. You may well be planning on removing your engagement ring when you come home, but the fact remains it will be on your finger for a good portion of every day. If you have a job that is heavy on jewelry you may want to select an engagement ring with a more substantial shank. Those with extremely active lifestyles may prefer platinum for their engagement ring as this will wear a lot better than gold. Flatter engagement ring settings will face less trauma than higher settings that get caught and knocked around more frequently.
Easy to wear. This can be an important consideration. Think about your lifestyle. If you are an art teacher or gardener or avid cook, you may tire of removing debris from an intricate setting. Prong settings do look fantastic, but prongs do tend to catch. Bezel settings can secure diamonds more firmly long term, and prevent your engagement ring being knocked around as much. Many engagement rings are also made with comfort bands to ensure minimal slipping. These are not only more comfortable, but help reduce wear and tear as your engagement ring setting will be sitting in the middle of your finger and not constantly sliding around to the back where it will encounter more wear. These can be done in a couple of ways.
Allergy issues. Any girls with sensitive skin may prefer to consider a hypoallergenic metal for their engagement ring. No girl wants to get a rash every time she wears her engagement ring. Hypoallergenic metals include palladium, platinum, and titanium.
Your engagement ring needs to look fantastic on your hand today, next year, and ever after. The above tips will ensure just that.
Article Source:- Directory Submission & Sexy Deepika Padukone
Andy Moquin has spent 20 years in the jewelry industry with much of his experience in polished diamonds, engagement rings , wedding rings and custom jewelry design. He is an accomplished business consultant and is available for advice on topics such as marketing, advertising, merchandising and business turnarounds.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Modern Wedding Ring Designs

By Rich Keys
Couples exchange wedding rings as a traditional symbol of their everlasting love. However, no two couples are the same so it is only fitting that a wide array of options are available. This insight has led to more modern wedding ring designs making their way onto lovers' hands and into their hearts.
Some modern wedding rings contain precious stones other than the ever-popular white diamond. The diamond found its way onto the wedding ring because of its rarity and beauty; people are now regarding the beauty of diamonds as a rather subjective claim. Many women prefer a shocking blue, pink, or purple to the camouflaging effect of white. Because diamonds naturally are found in every color of the rainbow, it is merely tradition that leads most to purchase the white diamond for their wedding ring.
Another step away from the traditional wedding ring is the experimental artwork performed with the metal. Modern wedding rings play with polished finishes, matte finishes, and frosted finishes. A fully frosted ring may have an edge of polished silver, or vice versa. Other modern wedding rings incorporate the finish into the pattern of the ring. For example, a frosted or matte finish lays the groundwork for a flourishing design around inlaid diamonds of any color. For those who wish to leave the outward manner of their wedding ring to tradition, a matte finish on the inside provides a canvas in which to engrave names, dates, or Scripture verses to intensify the personal effect of the ring design. Other rings display one finish, but integrate an entirely different metal into its structure. A simple silver wedding band with gold drizzle across the top turns tradition into modernism while a checkered pattern has the same effect in a more bold statement.
The grooms have not been forgotten in the changing designs of wedding rings. Contemporary men's rings still embody the simple, more subtle style preferred by men, but they incorporate a few variations to jazz it up a bit. A classic band with beading along the edges is perfect for the conservative groom accommodating his fashionable wife. For those a little more daring, a geometric band with cuts or grooves adds an edge to the ring without appearing gaudy. Many modern wedding rings for men also utilize diamonds in their design. With different metals, finishes, and the option of adding stones, jewelers can create a ring for a man that is just as distinct as his wife's ring. Modern wedding bands for men have found a way to add masculine elegance and flair to the traditional symbol of love.
Wedding rings stand for the bonding love between two individuals, a symbolic expression of the unity that connects them. The rings simultaneously convey this message to outsiders simply through their silent presence. Choosing a modern wedding ring is the perfect opportunity to communicate to the world a unique relationship and indestructible love.
Rich Keys writes about fashion and jewelery. If you are planning to buy your wedding rings online, then be sure to visit http://www.diamondgeezer.com, where there is a wide choice of platinum, yellow and white gold, and platinum rings as well as the ability to design your own ring with the online tools.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rich_Keys
Platinum Versus White Gold in Engagement Rings and Wedding Rings
Many people opt to use platinum or white gold for their engagement rings and/or wedding rings. You might be interested to learn that during World War II, the United States government made the declaration that Platinum would be considered a strategic metal, rendering it unusable in jewelry for a period of time. Even after the ban was lifted on Platinum, white gold remained a widespread choice for use in engagement and wedding rings.
One of the biggest differences between white gold rings and platinum rings is that gold is less expensive than platinum. (White jewelry has always been a popular option, although some people just prefer the look of yellow gold.) Prior to its banning during World War II, Platinum was by far the most beloved metal for white jewelry. And ever since the ban on Platinum was lifted, Platinum has become extremely popular again. Despite the fact that it is more expensive than gold, people tend to love it because it is so strong and durable.
Over time, Platinum seems to endure much better than gold. For this reason, people tend to view their purchases of platinum rings (and other pieces of platinum jewelry) as a long term investment that is bound to pay off in the end. Platinum rarely shows any signs of wear or tear. Because of its great strength, it does not become chipped or splintered. For all of these reasons, many people ultimately decide to purchase platinum rings for their engagements and their weddings. If the two of you are currently shopping for rings, you will probably want to try on a number of different types (and talk to your jeweler) about how to decide what the best choice might be for you, given your personal taste, your jewelry budget and any other considerations.
For more information about wedding rings, visit this online Platinum Ring Shopping Guide.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Riley_Grant